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CUNY STARTUPS: New Venture Accelerator 1

CUNY STARTUPS: New Venture Accelerator 1

The New Venture Accelerator Program from CUNY Startups is an exciting initiative designed to support and empower early-stage ventures in the New York City area. This program offers a comprehensive and immersive experience for entrepreneurs looking to accelerate their business growth.

Participants in the program gain access to a range of resources and support networks, including mentorship from industry experts, workshops on various aspects of business development, and networking opportunities with potential investors and partners. The program takes a hands-on approach, providing entrepreneurs with the tools and guidance needed to refine their business models, develop effective strategies, and scale their ventures.

One of the unique aspects of the New Venture Accelerator Program is its connection to the City University of New York (CUNY) ecosystem. This affiliation allows participants to tap into the vast network of academic resources, research facilities, and talented students and faculty members. This collaboration can provide valuable insights, partnerships, and access to a diverse talent pool for startups in the program.

Overall, the New Venture Accelerator Program from CUNY Startups offers entrepreneurs a structured and supportive environment to accelerate their business growth, refine their strategies, and make meaningful connections within the thriving New York City startup ecosystem.

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